Privacy Statement

The below sets out the practices of American Moving Company Inc. as of , 2006 to the information which is gathered and distributed through the following websites: (cumulatively known as "website").

With respect to information collected:
For each visitor to the website, our server does not recognize any information regarding your domain or e-mail address. Sessions of visitors to the website are monitored, but the user remains anonymous.

With respect to the type of information that the website collects:
The website collects only that information which is volunteered by the visitor, such as survey information and/or site registrations and the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail.

With respect to use of the information collected:
The very limited information collected is not shared with other organizations for commercial purposes and is used solely for the benefit of our visitors in the following manner:

For internal review, after which the information is discarded;

To improve the content of the website;

Used to notify visitors about updates to the website.

With respect to email addresses:
We collect the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail. Information is volunteered by the visitor, such as survey information, site registrations, comments and/or questions from our visitors. Such information is collected via direct submission from the individual visitor. We do not send e-mails as a form of solicitation. We may however, send you an email in response to any questions and/or comments you might have about our website. Although your e-mail address is kept on file within our database, we will never use it to send you follow-up e-mails, or solicit you in anyway.

With respect to links:
American Moving Company Inc. website might contain links to internal or external website locations in order to better facilitate your visit or clarify your query. However, American Moving Company Inc. accepts no responsibility towards the contents and/or information practices of third party websites. This Privacy statement does not apply to any websites that are linked from the website.
